Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pondicherry ahoy!!

The thing about unforgettable trips is that you always forget the punch-line that had to describe it best. I forgot... Hence this photograph. Maybe the thousand embedded words above could do some poetic justice to the trip.

Bus journeys are not comfortable. My apologies to our co-passengers for making it worse still. We? We were on a roll. Ritwik would not stop clicking photographs, until all of us had snaps looking like characters straight out of a Matrix movie (wearing shades indoors). The Tamil actress serenading to the immortal tunes of "Apdi pode pode pode..." (on the television in the bus) couldnt manage to divert the attention of the passengers, already engrossed at guffawing at our antics. The journey to

Pondicherry was OK fun that way.

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