Thursday, May 16, 2013

Medical tourism

The great indian medical boom story continued in the small world of dentists and freshly minted MBAs. (Thats shubhangi and me btw) It was a different form of medical tourism that me and my better half embarked upon.
The opening show consisted of a dental checkup of my painful molar(number 16) at 6:30pm.
15 minutes later they asked me to return for a root canal treatment at 7:45pm. How would two young people of today spend this time in a clinic full of medical specialists? "Lets go check out the ENT dude". 15 mins with the ENT dude presenting 101 ways in which I could get a heart attack. 15 minutes of window shopping at the physiotherapist . 15 minutes of checking out the latest preventive vaccine for cervical cancer. And we were good to go for the "procedure". Pictures speak a thousand words. Below are my 10k words of grudge on a royal drain of cash.

Friday, May 22, 2009


Now I am not exactly running around naked having been seduced by the idea of a mammoth physics principle discovery based on water levels rising or falling in my bath tub. But hey...this is a moment of inspiration in my life. After one year (more or less) of having initiated this blog i FINALLY know what to write. My life lacks inspiration. This blog's gonna be about finding it.
So where do you find inspiration in this sordid still insipid society of ours? You be lame...and google it...(i feel like posting a lame emotiocon with a tongue hanging out).
So...I be-d...i google-d.
"Inspiration"--->"I'm feeling lucky"--->Click--->a second's wait--->RESULTS! ---> "Inspiration Software, Inc." ??!!

I guess Google is not yet God.
OK. We need more googling. Better yet, why not make this search fun? So here's the deal. I spend one week between posts looking for inspiration. Famous scientists who knew science before the doctor punctured their hallowed umbilical cords, old hags who burnt to death before they could take away their hocus-pocus, slumdogs who did actually become millionaires, the slumdogs who didn't become millionaires (but had the balls to dream about an ultimate "Jai ho" ), friends, families, the gang.Anyone whose story kicks you in the gut and says ,"Duh! They couldn't that different from you, you lazy bum!!".

So...see you next post (hopefully...remember, I AM a lazy bum)

P.S- Always remember the first post "Here we go...". Cause, effect and thought will play an integral role in all our stories. Lets kick some Inspira-s-i-o-n ass!! (Ok...i got excited)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pondicherry ahoy!!

The thing about unforgettable trips is that you always forget the punch-line that had to describe it best. I forgot... Hence this photograph. Maybe the thousand embedded words above could do some poetic justice to the trip.

Bus journeys are not comfortable. My apologies to our co-passengers for making it worse still. We? We were on a roll. Ritwik would not stop clicking photographs, until all of us had snaps looking like characters straight out of a Matrix movie (wearing shades indoors). The Tamil actress serenading to the immortal tunes of "Apdi pode pode pode..." (on the television in the bus) couldnt manage to divert the attention of the passengers, already engrossed at guffawing at our antics. The journey to

Pondicherry was OK fun that way.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Here we go...

"Of course it was cause and effect, but in the necessity with which one follows the other lay all the tragedy of life".

Rare is the sight of your innermost thoughts routing themselves to the real world (if at all you could call this virtual hullaballoo of blogging any kind of reality). It's like an itch ,ain't it? These thoughts...they seem to embody every minute existence of your existence. The vain judge behind each judgement you endow, the scorn behind each laughter you exact unto others. The pinch behind each blow to your ego. The soothing calm canvassing each exhibition of love. Oh but for the mundane framers of all the lexicons inhabiting this planet, there could have been better words to enlighten the reader of the true quality of these beings....i wonder why we dismiss their existence by alluding to them the appelation of - 'mere thoughts'.

To me, these thoughts are important. They embody an important paradox- the unity of cause and effect. Now that is a rare combination to be found. On a completely unemotional point of view, they represent an intellectual dilemma. A cause, that is a thought, effects into a strings of thoughts that ultimately end up into a thought. Action,or lack of it, is simply an aberration into the scheme of events. Hence this dedication to "thought". We live with it, we live in it and still we fail to allude our lives as a manifestation of it. Our life...a thought,a cause as well as an effect of thought.